Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Was thinking today. I would be afraid to go to an OWS protest. Even with the Democrats and most of the media saying things like, "They are peaceful", "They are just frustrated with the banks" etc.

At the same time I was never afraid to go to a Tea Party event. Even with the Democrats and most of the media saying things like, "They are terrorists", "They will get violent", "They are racists" and so many more nasty things that I stopped paying attention.

I would ask any thinking individual to consider which group they would feel safer in. One who breaks windows, starts fires, threatens reporters and says they want to destroy capitalism (The American Way of Life) or a group who directs their anger at specific issues (ie ObamaCare, spending, budget etc) and voices it at the politicians, has a peaceful rally, cleans up their mess and goes home and back to work.
Decide for yourself. For me "I choose the Tea Party" Restore America and "Change it back from what it has become since Obama".

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