Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Go Cain Go

This is only my opinion but I have been watching the news about the charges against Herman Cain and a few things come to mind. I'm sure there are more things so if you want to add your thoughts.
1) The charges have been from anonymous sources. Always suspect those.
2) The media has jumped all over it without having any facts. I thought they were supposed to verify things?
3) Now they say one of the women wants to be able to tell her story. I personally would like to hear it but I want her hooked up to a lie detector with Herman Cain asking the questions to be fair.
4) Even with everything they are trying to do to hurt his campaign the latest poll showed he is still moving up and he is getting more contributions so I think maybe it is doing just the opposite of what they are trying to do.
5) If you look at how the deck is stacked against him and how well he is doing I have to question if God may be helping out and if He is the rest can pack it in, including Obama.

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