Friday, July 19, 2013

Vote Them Out

To Christians and anyone else who may be interested. Politicians are becoming so arrogant that they think they are above both Cival and Moral laws. They think that because people keep electing them. I blame "We The People". They serve with our permission so we need to make it clear that they no longer have our permission to act in an illegal or immoral way.

The way to do that is to hold them accountable at the polls and "Vote Them Out" which would get most of them out. The time to do most of the work is in the Primary. We can't wait for the General Election because if we do we have No Good Choice. It's a shame things have come to this. Over the years the system has become so corrupt we can no longer trust in "the checks and balances" built into the system because they have been compromised by politicians in both major parties, I don't trust either party and expect the Republican party to go the way of the Whig party unless they clean house themselves. I fear so many of them are corrupt, they won't and it will be up to the people to do, which means we will have to really watch them, we can't count on the news to tell us the truth (most carry water for one party or the other).

I personally feel that The Democratic Party has been taken over completely by Progressives and a big part of The Republican Party as well to the point where I refuse to give money to either party and I won't vote for anyone based on which party they belong to. I look at how they vote, what their moral values are. Maybe it is just me but whenever I get a chance to ask them my question is going to be "Do you accept Jesus Christ  as your personal Savior?" Now that may not be your criteria for your vote and that is your decision but we all have to vet the candidates to find out if they will do the right thing.

There are many websites out there who watch the candidates. You have to vet those websites as well because most have an agenda also. Either they are for the Republicans or the Democrats. I urge you to pay attention and do your own homework. Those parties want you to just follow the party line and that is a mistake because neither are trustworthy, they both want more power and control over your life. I put my trust in God and pray that He will make a way to open the eyes of enough people to get back to the founding principles of America, which was inspired by God, When America turns back to God, America will be Blessed again which is why I said what my question to a candidate would be. At least if they are truly a Christian they have a conscience and a moral compass. Sure they can lie but the Bible says we will know them by their works.

Much information is compiled at Now I admit that most of the ones supported are Republicans because if a mistake is made it is preferable to err on the side of the more Conservative candidate but those recommendations change from the Primary to the General election. After the primary a judgement call has to be made because not voting is not an option.

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